Sunday, February 5, 2012

Aqua Sidetables Yo!

My hubby has been asking me for 7 months for a bedside table for his side of the bed. He had been using an upside down wire trashcan to house his phone charger and wallet. (Sad) I looked and looked. Every time I went to Target, TJ Maxx or Walmart, I looked, but either was I saw something I loved, and it was too expensive, or it was something cheap-o that would work but I wasn't crazy about~Like it would fall apart in a hot minute.

I was loving the tall mirrored chests like this one
and found two I reeeeally liked at TJ Maxx, but reeeeallly hated the price tag. 

Maybe someday...

But that's when I decided, the room would need a pop of color anyways, so I would find something I could paint. I searched Craig's List but wasn't coming up with too much. The GoodWill's around here, I've found do not hold many treasures, but on a Sunday afternoon, I thought what the heck? It's worth a try to check it out right? 
First thing I spotted was the crazy awesome mirror that now resides with a new outfit and new home in our bedroom. 

Then, the people who work at GW were bringing out a bedroom set, and brought these little beauties out one by one. 
One might think, oh yes, those 70's beauties would hold my cup of water and bedtime story at night when I went to visit Granny's house, but alas, I saw some, "giddy with excitement" potential in them.

I immediately called the hubs and said, "bring the Jeep over, I found ya some bedside tables. No more upside down trash can for you sir. Oh no. I've got something much better." Well, he wasn't quite as enthusiastic as I had hoped when he walked into the GW and took a look at them with that yellow "SOLD" sticker on them and his semi new bride grinning from ear to ear. "These are what you want? Okaaayy. I will load em up" 

He carried them up 4 flights of stairs and sat them down in the middle of the living room. "Now what?" Whata guy.

First thing we did, was rip off that useless top decorative piece that only took up space and served no purpose.

He was happy to help with this part, because he got to try out his new Christmas gift, the "Dead On" Demolition hammer. Not only can it demmo anything, it can also kill Zombies.  No lie.

After the removal of the unnecessary space taker uppers, we were left with some gaping holes 

 Which we filled up with some wood putty

Left it sit over night to dry

Then sanded off the excess putty and gave the entire thing a good sanding.

Then I painted the tables the same color as the mirror

After 2 coats

Our bed is on risers, which means it's very very tall. (We needed to do that for extra storage) 
So I realized, these little puppies were gonna need a lift! We picked up some wooden legs at Home Depot and I painted them to match the dressers.

Here they are! (Try to ignore the hot mess of books underneath)

Added glass knobs. I love the old glass vintage door knobs you see in older homes, I wanted that element on these side tables.

Um, so you know I wanted to reuse my older lamps with the red shades? I tried hard, I really did. Nothing was covering those red shades.  So when I stumbled upon these adorb lamps for just $13.99 each on clearance at Target, I was NOT going to pass them up!  They are cute as is, but I sort of look at them as a blank canvas. I might dress them up.

And ladies and gentlemen... here it is, the husband's very own night stand!!!! No more upside down trash can!!!!!!!

This is here just to remind him how awesome his wife is for getting him a night stand.  Don't you foget it yo!

Ok folks. There you have it! It's been over a month since I first laid eyes on them at GW and now they are finished and have a home in our bedroom!

What do you think? Have any questions about how we re-did them?


  1. I love these! So cute.

  2. Loving the little legs you put on the bottom! Very nice, Heather!

  3. You should go on the Nate Burkus show- they have these "house proud" and "apartment proud" segments that showcase stuff like this :)

  4. I love Nate Burkus, but I've never seen his show! I'm gonna try and find out more about this online! Sounds awesome!
