Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keep it Classy People

Hey everyone! Hope your all having a great week! Only a few more days till we hit the weekend! I wanted to share with you something "presh" that I found on Pintrest, and liked it enough to frame it! 

 I found this "Keep Calm" poster on Pintrest and LOVED it!

I found a textured stick looking frame at T.J. Maxx to fit an 8x10
(I will be writing a "texture" post in the near future)

I got the picture printed at Walmart at the insta-print kiosk.  Love that thing!

And gave it a new home in the kitchen. Thought it was gonna go in the bathroom, but it made it's way into the kitchen. 

This is what that corner looked like before. A little clogged up, and ate up counter space. Why did I live like this for 7 months?

I moved that cool dollar store lamp over to the other side of the sink. I think it's nice to have a little light in the kitchen, other than harsh overheads.

So anywho, just wanted to share that with ya! Got to love me some Pintrest!!! Free Printables galore!


  1. Love the printables on Pinterest! You make them look so good.

  2. Aww Thanks Jess! I love that they're free!
