Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Too Many Projects

I'm alive. It seems I'm even busier now than I was during the holidays! I just can't seem to find the time to get everything that needs to be done, done! I have been working on a couple of projects all at once. Maybe that was my first mistake, but let me just say, it seems every project I've been working on have been full of mistakes.  Once they are all completed, I will break them down for you one by one.

Here are a few pictures of some of what I've been working on but there are a few more projects in the mix as well. 

Every project I've done, I've had a little terror helper along the way.  Here, take notice of my once white but now blue cat.  He thinks each project is actually just a play fort for him.

Case in point.

Amidst the projects, I've also been moving furniture, rearranging accessories, and trying to overhaul organize everything.  And work 40 hours a week. Why do I do this to myself? 

That is why I've been a bit absent in blog world. But once things start to wrap up, I hope to soon bombard you with posts!

Please bear with me!


  1. I'll "bear" with you, honey, but I most definitely will not "bare" with you, hahahaha! I just love all your creative projects!! You're a genius!

  2. Oh, and your cat is toooo cute!

  3. I've never claimed to be a great speller! Lol. Music and design, that's it for me. Thank you!

  4. Love to follow your projects, honey. And... your little helper is the cutest.
